We are pleased to announce a new release of Strymon. This is a minor release, containing various bug fixes and some minor feature additions.

Notable changes

  • Strymon now builds on Rust stable, starting with version 1.21. See PR #6, #20.
  • Added a new subcommand, strymon terminate which kills the processes belonging to a running job. PR #3, #15.
  • Job artifacts are now stored in a dedicated directory. PR #19.
  • Various other bug and documentation fixes, as well as code and performance improvements. PR #1, #2, #14, #16, #18.

As always, you can get the latest version by cloning our GitHub repository or download a tarball from the release archive.


The following people have contributed to this release of Strymon:

  • Florian Gilcher
  • Matthew Forshaw
  • Moritz Hoffmann
  • Sebastian Wicki

Interested? Download Strymon and follow the getting-started guide to see the system in action. If you have any questions or concerns, we are looking forward to your feedback at strymon-users@lists.inf.ethz.ch. If you would like to contribute to Strymon please see the contribution guide. For more information, research publications, upcoming use-cases and features, work-in-progress, please visit our project website.