This document describes the internal protocol of Strymon’s built-in publish-subscribe mechanism for streams. The implementation of this protocol, including documentation for users, is part of the strymon_job library.

Design Goals

In Strymon’s publish-subscribe mechanism, publishers are mostly stateless: If there are no connected subscribers, any published messages are dropped, as it would be too expensive to buffer all produced messages. However, subscribers might connect at any point in time and still need to be able to reason about the current state of a Timely stream source.

Notably, a subscriber must be able to reason about the advancment of logical time (“epochs”) in the stream source. It must be informed about both, timestamps which it will still be able to observe, as well as times which have already passed.

As tuples with the same timestamps share the same happend-before relationship, so a subscriber should only ever see either all tuples belonging with a certain timestamp, or none at all. We define this as atomicity of epochs. This property is important for Strymon applications such as SnailTrail.


A Timely stream is a stream of (T, D) tuples where T refers to some partially ordered logical timestamp (an “epoch”) and D is some unspecified data item.

We introduce the terminology of latent, active and completed epoch states, i.e. an epoch T can only be in one of the three states (as observed by the publisher).

                    |    latent     | --------------------
                    +---------------+                    |
                            |                            |
           [first tuple with epoch `T` observed]         |
                            |                            |
                            v                            |
                    +---------------+                    |
                    |    active     |             [skipped epoch]
                    +---------------+                    |
                            |                            |
           [last tuple with epoch `T` observed]          |
                            |                            |
                            v                            |
                    +---------------+                    |
                    |   completed   | <-------------------

An epoch T is latent, if it has never been observed. Once a tuple with a certain epoch has been observed on the stream, the corresponding epoch is considered active. Once the last tuple for a given epoch has been delivered, the epoch is considered completed. An epoch can be skipped if upstream operators release its capability for it without ever producing any tuples.

The frontier tracked by Timely allows us to infer completed epochs: If a epoch T is strictly smaller than any S found in the frontier, then the epoch is completed. In other words: Timely explicitly tells us about completed epochs. The start of an epoch (the transition to the active state) however is implied implicitly with the delivery of the first tuple of that epoch.


Atomicity of epochs can easily be guarantee if we ensure that a subscriber only ever receives tuples which were in the latent state at the time when it started listening to the publisher: A latent epoch has not yet produced any tuples, thus the subscriber could not have missed any.

The simplest approach would be to keep track of all active epochs at the time of subscription and use this set as a filter, i.e. only forward tuples to the subscriber which are not in this set.

While this would work (and the size of this set should not an issue in practice, as the number of active epochs is typically not too high), it might not be intuitive. Consider the following example with totally ordered integers as timestamps:

States at subscription time:

  completed: [0, 1, 2]
  active: [3, 5]
  latent: [4, 6, 7, 8..]

The subscriber in this example would see epoch 4, followed by epoch 6,7, 8.., with a hole at epoch 5. While atomicity of epochs is preserved, it issue more intuitive to avoid this hole in observed epochs and not deliver epoch 4 to the subscriber at all.

The proposed approach thus is to use the set of maximal elements in active as a filter for delivered epochs. This set of maximal active elements allows us to approximate the latent set. Note that in a total order, it is a singleton set (in the example: [5]), in a partial order however it forms an antichain.

This is similar to how Timely keeps track of completed events, namely its frontier is the antichain of minimal elements in the active set, allowing it to test for membership of the completed set.

We define these two antichains as the lower and upper frontier:

  • lower frontier: antichain of minimal elements in active
  • upper frontier: antichain of maximal elements in active

Taking a snapshot of the upper frontier at the time of subscription, we can use it as a filter on arriving tuples, forwarding only elements which are strictly larger than any element in the upper frontier. This ensures that the subscriber only ever observes epochs which were latent at the time of subscription, thus ensuring atomicity of epochs.

Once the current lower frontier dominates the snapshot of the upper frontier, the filter can be disabled.


The publisher maintains the antichains of the lower and upper frontiers. The lower frontier is maintained from progress tracking traffic using Timely’s existing mechanisms. The upper frontier however has to be inferred by inspecting the epochs of arriving data messages, as new epochs are opened implicitly once they are observed.

In the current implementation, the filtering is performed at the subscriber. The publisher is responsible to create an initial snapshot of the two frontiers and send it downstream. After the initial snapshot, it sends all unfiltered data tuples to all subscribers. Additionally, it also sends updates to the lower frontier downstream. This design allows allows for more flexibility:

  • The subscriber can decide apply a even more coarse grained filter than the initial upper frontier to the stream. This for example is necessary if a subscriber reads from multiple partitions.
  • The subscriber implementation might decide to not apply a filter at all. While this breaks epoch atomicity, some applications do not require it.

Updates to the lower frontier are sent downstream because the subscriber might maintain a copy of the current lower frontier in order to derive the capability set for downstream operators.

Protocol Messages

The protocol conceptually consists of three messages:

enum Message<T, D> {
    // the first message with both frontiers, only sent once
    InitialFrontierSnapshot { lower: Vec<T>, upper: Vec<T> },
    // updates to the lower frontier,
    // each tuple is either (T, -1) or (T, +1)
    LowerFrontierUpdate { updates: Vec<(T, i32)> },
    // a normal batch of (T, D) messages
    DataMessage { time: T, data: Vec<D> },

The initial snapshot is always sent as the first message to any newly connected subscriber, after that only DataMessage or LowerFrontierUpdate messages will be observed.

The current implementation builds on top of strymon_communication’s message type. The time and data fields are put into separate multi-part slots. This allows us to drop filtered message without decoding the data part.

Publisher Logic

A publisher receives Timely events (progress tracking or data messages) from a single upstream Timely stream partition and it maintains a queue of outgoing pub-sub protocol messages for each connected subscriber (initially empty). The publisher starts with an empty upper frontier and a lower frontier containing a single bottom element, modeling the initial capability upstream.

The publisher’s event loop handles incoming events as follows:

  • A Timely progress tracking message (Vec<T, i64>) arrives:
    1. Update the local lower frontier antichain.
    2. Broadcast any resulting changes to the frontier to all connected subscribers (Message::LowerFrontierUpdate).
  • A Timely data batch (T, Vec<D>) arrives:
    1. Update the upper frontier antichain.
    2. Broadcast the batch to all connected subscribers (Message::DataMessage).
  • A new subscriber connects:
    1. Take a snapshot of the current lower and upper frontier.
    2. Send this snapshot the the new subscriber (Message::InitialFrontierSnapshot)
    3. Add the subscriber to the list of connected subscribers.
  • A subscriber disconnects:
    1. Remove the subscriber from the list of connected subscribers.

Subscriber Logic

After consulting the catalog about the address of a publisher in the catalog, a subscriber connects directly to a publisher and waits for the InitialFrontierSnapshot message.

Once the initial snapshot of the upper and lower frontier have been received, it enters the following event loop:

  • A DataMessage { time: T, data: Vec<D> } arrives:
    1. if T is less or equal than any element of the initial snapshot of the upper frontier, drop the data message. Otherwise, decode the data part and yield the decoded message to the consumer.
  • A LowerFrontierUpdate { updates: Vec<(T, i32)> } message arrives:
    1. Update local lower frontier antichain from updates. This frontier is exposed to consumers and can be used to downgrade capabilities.
    2. Remove any elements S < T from the initial upper frontier, as they are not needed for filtering anymore.

Subscribers in Strymon can subscribe to multiple partitions. In this case, it will first wait for all initial upper frontier snapshots and merge then into a maximal antichain for the filter. This ensures that epoch atomicity is preserved across all partitions. The lower frontier is also merged accordingly into a minimal antichain.